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Best Care for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding

Young South Asian woman looking into the camera. She has long black hair and large silver hoop earrings, and she has a slight smile playing on her lips.

Our goal

To provide the best care at the right time for heavy menstrual bleeding

One in four women experience heavy menstrual bleeding, which adversely impacts their quality of life. Effective evidence-based treatment is available, however, not all women are aware of their options or have access to them.

In this project, we will partner with consumers and healthcare providers to develop a shared understanding of the existing barriers and opportunities to improve the management of heavy menstrual bleeding.

Together, we will ensure women have the information they need about suitable treatment and how to access care, so they can have a role in making decisions about their care.

We will also explore ways the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clinical Care Standard could help improve the quality and consistency of care provided to women.

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