Your healthcare team will look different depending on your needs, whether you decide to have surgery and where you have your surgery. Also, some job titles and roles will be different from place to place.
Make sure you discuss your needs with your healthcare team so they can ensure you have the right support throughout your entire surgical journey.

Medical team
There are some key medical professionals you may see when you have surgery.
Here is a list of who you might work with as part of your medical team:
- general practitioner (local doctor)
- surgeon
- anaesthetist
- geriatrician
- radiologist
- pathologists and scientists.
Allied health team
Allied health professionals support you to take care of your physical and mental health before and after your surgery. They provide treatment, or rehabilitation in hospital and at home. They help prepare you for your surgery and ensure you are safe to go home after surgery.
Here’s a list of who you might work with:
- physiotherapist
- pharmacist
- occupational therapist
- dietitian
- social worker
- psychologist
- speech pathologist.
Nursing team
Nurses provide essential care across your surgical journey. They specialise in different areas such as assisting the anaesthetist, specialist care immediately after your surgery and on the ward in the hospital. Depending on your needs some nurses will see you at home.
Here’s a list of who you might work with:
- preadmission nurse
- perioperative nurse
- anaesthetic nurse
- nurse unit manager
- post anaesthesia care unit
- sub-acute nurse.
Care coordinators
Leading up to your surgery and while you are in hospital, care coordinators provide support to you and your support person. They help guide you through the healthcare system and assist your transition from hospital to home. Some care coordinators support with certain groups or programs.
Here’s a list of who you might work with:
- Aboriginal liaison officers
- patient liaison officers
- disability liaison officers
- enhanced recovery after surgery co-ordinator
- surgery access nurse.
Support staff
Before, during and after surgery there will be support staff who may help with appointments, providing your meals or assisting with showering or dressing.
Here’s a list of who you might work with:
- administration staff
- ward clerks
- patient services assistant
- patient support unit staff
- RUSON (Registered Undergraduate Student of Nursing).